berikut ini adalah script untk melakukan testing pada wms
/tool netwatch
add down-script="{\r\
\nlog error (\"WMS is down --- trying to reconnect ......\")\r\
\n:local ip [/ip address get [/ip address find interface=\"namaINTERFACE\"] address];\r\
\n:local ip [put [:pick \$ip 0 [:find \$ip \"/\"]]]\r\
\n/tool fetch http-method=post http-data=\"username=USERNAMEWMS@freeMS&password=PASSWORDWMS\" url=(\"\
ogin/quarantine.php\\\?ipc=\$ip&gw_id=GWIDurl&client_mac=MACADDRESSinterface&wlan=WLANurl:UN%20CHECK\") keep-result=no\r\
\nlog warning (\"WMS is UP\")\r\
\n}" host= interval=10s
ReplyDeleteGan settingmya gmn dr awal buat.konek ke wms
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